PageInspector 1.1 by Douglas Clarke PageInspector picks up those hard to find errors in your HTML documents. Scroll arrow Use the scroll arrow to see parts of the document that are currently not in view. Not available because there is no text in the Error preview. Scroll arrow Use the scroll arrow to see parts of the document that are currently not in view. Not available because the entire document is in view. Scroll arrow To scroll forward through the open document, click here. Scroll arrow To scroll back through the open document, click here. This list shows all errors found during the scan of the file. Size box To change the height and width of the window, drag the size box. Trash button Deletes the cause of the selected error (the text underlined in the error preview.) Currently disabled because the cause of the error currently selected cannot be deleted. Trash button Deletes the cause of the selected error (the text underlined in the error preview.) Currently disabled because there is no error selected. Trash button Deletes the cause of the selected error (the text underlined in the error preview.) Fix button Fixes the selected error. Currently disabled because PageInspector cannot fix the selected error. Fix button Fixes the selected error. Currently disabled because there is no error selected. Fix button Fixes the selected error. Info button Displays an explanation of the selected error, and information on how to correct it. Currently disabled because there is no error selected. Info button Displays an explanation of the selected error, and information on how to correct it. This is the estimated download time of this page (excluding any images, etc. and frame sources) at # bytes/sec. To include the time to download images in this estimate, make sure “Check Links” is turned on in the preferences. This is the estimated download time of this page (excluding the time to download the frame sources) at # bytes/sec. The download speed can be changed in the preferences. This is the estimated download time of this page (excluding any images, etc.) at # bytes/sec. To include the time to download images in this estimate, make sure “Check Links” is turned on in the preferences. This is the estimated download time of this page (including all images, etc.) at # bytes/sec. The download speed can be changed in the preferences. This icon is shown because the open file was opened as read only. PageInspector cannot modify this file. This is the file’s name. Scroll bar To scroll a little at a time, press one of the scroll arrows. To scroll by the windowful, click in the grey bar. To scroll to another part of the window, drag the scrollbox. Scroll bar Use the scroll bar to see items that are out of view. This scroll bar is not available because this window contains no items above or below the window’s borders. Scroll bar Use the scroll bar to see items that are out of view. This scroll bar is not available because this window contains no items to the left of right of the window’s borders. Error preview The cause of the error selected in the Error window is shown underlined in this preview bar. Not available because the position of the error currently selected cannot be shown. Error preview The cause of the error selected in the Error window is shown underlined in this preview bar. Not available because there is no error currently selected. Error preview The cause of the error selected in the Error window is shown underlined in this preview bar. To scroll a little at a time, press one of the scroll arrows. This is the number of items in the Errors window (ie. The number of errors found in this document.) This is the actual size of the open file. This is the full path of the open file. This is the page’s internal title. This is the open file’s Finder icon.